I have a nine year old Boston who was diagnosed last summer with osteosarcoma of the left rear leg. I had the leg removed and he underwent four rounds of chemo. He is now four months past his last chemo and x-rays and scans show no evidence of anything (blood work in not back yet). I am currently feeding him a grain free diet with added protein (chicken or steak) at each meal (breakfast and supper) and one cup of steamed (steamed fresh at each meal and the water is then poured over his dry food) vegetables (broccoli, orange cauliflower, purple cauliflower, brusell sprouts, and carrots) at each meal. I have also added K9 Immunity plus daily. He also gets 1/3 of a cup of criminni mushrooms simmered in chicken broth once a day at supper. Bruiser weighs 25 pounds; are my portions big enough? Should I increase portions? Should I add anything else? I feel terrible as he broke his leg when he was three and I took him to an orthopedic surgical specialist who put a steel plate in to save the leg. His leg was so shattered (he jumped from one couch to the other and missed) that only the top three screw and bottom four screws were holding the plate in place. The middle five had nothing to screw into. He was crated for four months while he healed and we were told he only had one chance and if it did not work they would have to go back and amputate. He was good as gold all summer as we placed his crate in the morning sun and then in the shade in afternoons and back into camp at supper time. When I questioned the diagnosis of osteosarcoma because I thought it was a big dog disease I was told his was plate induced . If I knew that saving the leg was dangerous I never would have done it. Bruiser is a very special dog who has been through a lot --turned in to the local shelter by his breeder when he was 6 months old (because he had cherry eye and was worthless ), adopted twice and returned within two days because of the cherry eyes -- shattered his leg when he was three years old, diagnosed with polyarthritis when he was five years old and had to have a corneal graft at Cornell. Just as they were getting him on the table for surgery his eye perforated and they had to put in a piece of pigs bladder before doing the graft. He is the sweetest, most loving dog I have ever had (and I have had 30 dogs during my life) and I want to do whatever I can to prolong his life. Please tell me what size my portions should be, what other foods I should add, and if there are any other supplements I should add. Thank-you so much for offering to help