Hello and thank you for asking HCM.
First of all,and the most important one. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DIE just because you have an UTI. So calm down and we will go step by step on finding a way to treat your UTI.
Its common for a person with UTI to have an amount of blood in the urine. Its the infection that its causing that. But in other cases
urolithiasis (stones in the
urinary tract) may cause haematuria (presence of blood in urine)
Right now,if you have any pain,you can take some NSAIDs like
Ibuprofen to relieve it.
I need to know more about your UTI that you were treated. Urine testsm and the types of medicine that you took for it.
I sudgess you do an
ultrasound of
the Urinary Tract and an Urine Culture.
In my experience,usuly if there is a stone,somewhere in the UT,the infection is really hard to remove,but not impossible. Also what you need to do,when you are not feeling any pain,you need to drink a lot of water. At the moment that you start feeling even the lowest pain in your kidneys,you need to stop taking a lot of water,because it might make your pain even stronger.
For any question,don't be afraid to ask .
Dr.Endri Katro