Thanks for your question on HCM.
You are having blunt chest and abdomen trauma.
bruise indicated cutaneous bleeding and this may seen in internal damage too.
So we need to rule out internal organ damage especially lung and abdomen viscera.
Possible consequences in
blunt trauma are
1. Rib fracture
2. Pneumothorax
3. Pulmonary contusions
4. Muscular
5. Damage to abdominal viscera.
So get done chest x ray and
ultrasound examination of abdomen to rule out all of the above.
If both are normal than no need to worry. It is muscular injury mostly.
Try to follow these.
1. Avoid heavy weight lifting and strenuous exercise.
2. Avoid bad postures in sleep.
3. Take good painkiller and
muscle relaxant.
4. Apply warm water pad on affected site.
5. Wear chest belt to avoid mobilisation of affected area.