i am 53 years old. I am overweight. I have been dieting for months. I have diabetes. I know I should exercise, but my feet kill me. I wear good shoes. over the past several years, i have become very weak. i have difficulty walking any distance, or upstairs. My feet hurt all the time. They ache so bad and will have sharp pains in them. I do not think it has to do with the diabetes. Sometimes they will even feel like a bone is broke in them. I feel bad most of the time and can not get anyone to listen to me. They give me b 12 vitamin. I have sleep apenea, and have been on a cpap machine for years, I have never felt like it helps at all, other than controls my snoring. I supposedly have narcolepsy also, and am on medication for that too. I think if it was not for that I could sleep 24 hours a day. I am so tired all the time. But my feet are my main problem seems like. I know i need to exercise, but My feet hurt so bad I don t want to walk. i still work and by the end of the day, i just want to get off of my feet.