Hi Jagdish. Thank you for writing to HCM.
It appears from your description of symptoms that you may be having a condition known as Oral
Submucous Fibrosis (OSF) which is very common after
tobacco chewing. It presents with difficulty in opening of the mouth along with pain and sometimes burning sensation in the mouth.
It is recommended that you see an
ENT specialist for an evaluation. It is important because in early stages with the help of some
steroid injections in the mouth and some
antioxidant tablets you may have a good chance for recovery. SOme mouth widening exercises will also help. At the moment it doesn't sound like cancer so you need not worry. But not seeking treatment can lead to a stage where you may not be able to open your mouth at all and at that time treatment is very difficult.
Also neglecting this now will lead to worse problems in future so do take my advice and see a clinician soon. This is in the best interest of your health.
Hope this information helps. Do let me know if you have any other questions. If you want me to evaluate you in more detail, you can send a picture of your oral cavity to me through a direct consultation. I will be able to help you with more specificity.