Lately, as in the past year or so, I ve been dealing with what I ve probably figured to be panic attacks. My hands start to shake, I get a little light-headed, hot flushes, and my heart starts beating much faster than what I m comfortable with. Frankly, it s becoming concerning, because these attacks usually happen when I m sat down at my computer or when I m getting ready for bed - my life isn t exactly something one would associate with any feelings of anxiety. Also, while I m here (and this may be completely irrelevant to the above), I ve been experiencing bouts of light depression (well, that s what the internet tells me, but we all know how accurate that can be.) I m losing interest in everything I used to love doing, and I find myself easily upset by the smallest things. I have never been the type to cry at the drop of a hat, but recently - again, recently being the past year or so - I ve been prone to, well, wanting to cry over every little thing. It s begining to happen more frequently since I ve moved back home after my first year of university, and I m not sure if this is normal for a girl my age (20 years old) or if there s something wrong. Would really appreciate an opinion, or advice on what to do about it. Thank you.