Hi, My 26 year old daughter has been displaying symptoms of paranoid disorder. Only over the last two weeks, she has undergone a severe personality change. She changed from a loving, caring family-oriented person, to a suspicious, accusing, uncaring, deceptive, cold, irrational person. It has happened so fast, the family is devastated by the change. She has become deeply involved with Herbalife and is being coached on a daily basis to sell the product. She s also a daily consumer of these products. She has grand aspirations of making lots of money in the business, and has been carelessly spending her savings to that end. She lost her job of 7 years as a home appraiser because she could no longer complete the tasks as she had been doing so well. I m her mother, and our relationship was excellent up until the personality change. Now she is doesn t want to be around me and she is accusing me of outlandish behavior - without any justification. I can see the change just looking in her eyes - her siblings have noticed the change in her eyes too. She is cold and callus - nothing like I would have ever dreamed of describing her a few weeks ago. I m not sure what to do. I just want to help her and have some hope that we can have a relationship again. Thank you, Therese Bogenhagen