My little brother (10 years of age) has recently experienced partial paralysis effecting his feet, leg, side, arm, hand, and face on the left side. He seems to experience slight dissorientation, and slight issues with answering basic questions. This has happened only twice, about a year apart in occurence. Both times he was slightly sick with a common cold about 2 weeks prior to the occurence. We have contacted a nurse who suggested that it may be his way of reacting to stress, however he claims that he was not at all stressed before the event. She has told us not to take him to the hospital but instead to simply try breathing exercises. It takes 10-20 minutes or so for the paralysis and numbness to fade. He seems perfectly healthy and energetic all the rest of the time, and has had no past injuries that may have led to brain or spinal cord damage. He now claims he had a headache before the event and it has continued. He also shows aggrivation and fustration, however I m not sure if he would be acting like that anyway or if it has something to do with whatever this is. I m looking for possible causes or recomendations. Thank you in advance.