Hello, I have suffered from yeast infections for many years. Last spring I had a severe bacterial and fungal infection that would not clear up, no matter how many visits to the Dr. I ended up sent by ambulance to our local hospital where it was determined that I had Sepis/Septic and quickley diagnosed with Chron s Disease. I have been on heavy duty medication including steroids and Humira, that have cause me yet again a series of yeast and fungal infections. At the moment I am being treated, yet again with another topical anti-fungal cream to deal with the constant itching and swelling around my outer labia. I have taken 10 rounds of flunozacole so the internal fungus has healed, but I cannot get rid of it on my labia area, which leads me to believe that it could be psorisis for stubborn fungas. I am at the end of my rope and will be seeing both a OBGYN and Dermotologist to determine, but what to do in the mean time. Help?