Hi, my husband is 42 and tired all the time. He has plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and is on stellara. He has no psoriatic pain. He wakes up at 5:30 and goes to work and comes home around 7pm. He falls asleep on the couch every night around 9pm and barely awake till 9pm. He plays with our daughter when he gets home for about 15mins and his done. About ten yrs ago he had surgery for sleep apnea, so it is not that. I am also up at 5:30, get our 2yr old ready for daycare, go to work, pick up our daughter and get home by 6:30pm, make or heat up dinner and 7 months pregnant. I still have more energy than him. This has been going since May 14 and seems to be getting worse. Could it be the meds he is on? If not what could it be?