my husband developed a cough last November after a cabinet fell on him and fractured his eye socket. He has been on one antibiotic or another ever since. He had a ct of sinus and found them blocked. Took ent prescribed treatment but cough persists. He has had keflex, ceftin, levoquin, cipro, vancomicin iv, and cipro again. This cough gets worse when he eats or lies down. It gets him up about once an hour at night. The cough is productive with clear, moderately thick mucus. Chest xray shows pneumonia appearamce, but not really pneumonia. Cough does not respond to antihistamine or cough suppressants. He has copd and bronchiosasis and MMD1. He is following all the rules to avoid reflux. What weird thing could be wrong? Lack of sleep and persistent couging is going to kill him. He sees a pulmonalogist. Any ideas?