I have recently done my USG, about 8 GB polyps are detected. The largest one is 8.9 x 7.9 mm. All polyps are seen within GB lumen attached with both interior and posterior wall. GB thickness is 1.9 mm. No intraluminal billliary sludg or calculus is seen. Pancreas is 2.1 cm AP thickness at boddy and echopattern. Kideneys, urinary bladders, and prostate are normal. Liver size is 11.8 cm vertically.
Parenchyma appears homogeneous in echo pattern without any focal or diffuse lesion. Intra hepatic vessels are normal in caliber.
I am HBsAg positive, and DNA test found positive 2 months ago. Before that DNA test was negative for 2 years. At present I am having entecavir 1mg daily once.
Need to know whether I should go for GB surgery, and if so then will there be any problem as because I am a HBsAg carrier