Hi, I m 40yrs old, I ve 2 boys,90 kilograms, under control hypertension,I did total thyroidectomy, 6 months earlier I had heavy menstruation & long post menstrual bleeding,I went to ob- gene doctor & had ultra sound : UTERUS: - Normal in size, anteverted Length 5.5 cm, Width 3.5 cm, AP 4.6 cm. showing posterior wall lower uterine segment mural to subserous fibroid measuring 2.7 x 2 cmENDOMETRIUM: - The endometrial cavity reveals uniform hyperechoic endometrium with IUD is seen insitu.- The endometrium measures 0.3 cm in thickness.CERVIX: - Normal in size, echogenicity & length RIGHT OVARY: - Measures 2.2 x 1.5 cm LEFT OVARY: - Measures 2.3 x 1.3 cm.Douglas pouch & adnexa appears free with no fluid, cystic or solid mass/ lesions could be detected.IMPRESSION: Posterior wall uterine fibroid, what are my treatment options ?