Hello thanks for asking from HCM
Premature ejaculation is really a distressing problem but fortunately it can be managed with consultation of a good
psychiatrist. First of all I would like to reassure you that
masturbation has no side effects on health and it is a safe practice. There is no need to label masturbation as the reason of premature ejaculation. Both medicines and psychological treatment are used in premature ejaculation.
Dapoxetine which is a SSRI drug has excellent results in premature ejaculation. The drug can be taken on SOS basis and it help to delay ejaculation time. You need to visit a psychiatrist to get prescription of this drug.
Many herbal medicines like Tantex Royal, Confido also have promising results in premature ejaculation. These are herbal medicines and need no prescription so you can try these medicines without fear.
Apart from medicines non-medicinal treatment in form of relaxation exercise, Kegel's exercise, start-stop technique (Master and Johnson's) etc help to delay ejaculation time.
Consult a psychologist for details of these methods.
Try to diver your attention while doing intercourse which will help to maintain erection and will delay the time.
Thanks, hope this helps you