Hello and thanks for writing.
I can understand your concern and would try to help you in the best possible way. PVCs are quite common problem that affect a number of people. An important thing to rule out in such cases is the presence of any
structural heart disease. This can be done by simple 2D
echocardiography. In some cases stress echo or other stress test may be required to further delineate the problem.
If there is no underlying structural disease and you have no prior history of heart attack, sudden
cardiac arrest, no family history of premature cardiac problems tenth you are not at any undue risk, You PVCs in such case is probably benign and does not require any further treatment.
If however your symptoms are too frequent so as to wonder your day to day activities then you may
consult a cardiologist and discuss with him the possibility of undergoing a radio frequency ablation, which is a permanent cure for this condition.
I also suggest you to get your Blood pressure checked up frequently as long standing
uncontrolled BP is a cause for PVCs and proper control of BP leads to resolution of PVCs.