I went for allergy testing. Tests came back that the only thing tested for that i am allergic to is rag weed. Work with animals, did that test twice. From childhood, already know allergic to bee and wasps ( anaphalactic). During the visit i mentioned my scalp had been itching and had tiny white head type things all over. My face was starting to break out with pimples more than zits. Used to have wonderful complection. This had been going on about a year. Six months before this i had gone to a dermatologist that was not sure what was going on. Put me on a heavy antibiotic for 3 months and two doses of ivermectin ( good thing i am not a collie since collies can not have this) thinking it might be something from the animals i work with. By the second dose i could not function well. Ivermectin and psychiatric meds do not work with each other in my situation. He thought it was a mite of some sort. When i talked to the allergist again, she said it was a simple yet becoming severe case of scalp ezcema. Many of the signs are there and becoming more severe. She said to go back to my dermotologist, yet Dr. schleshinger should have noticed this to begin with if an allergy dr noticed within a few minutes. I have trust issues with any dr. My life was taken away by pharmacutical medications by age 20, now at age 37 i qualify for disability b/c of them and keep getting worse. Please help.