Hello there, My girlfriend come to visit me about 3 weeks ago. After about 5 days of being here she started breaking out in hives really bad. We were unsure what it could have been. We thought it could ve been Gain laundry detergent, we had shrimp the one night. But she was here for 5 days before breaking out. I had visit her about 1 1/2 months ago for 3 days, and she never had any problems at all so we figured maybe not my laundry detergent. Now 2 weeks later she s come to visit me again and her hives are basically gone now by the time she come again. This time now within the day they are breaking out even worse than the last time. Some appear to becoming open sores even. I have washed my bedding, so can t see it being the detergent, we haven t had any seafood, yet they are coming in worse this time then the did the first time. They are seriously irritating her now.