9/25/14 had surgery for advanced right eye cateract. Surgery went well and I m fine. However, since Aug 2014 I have been getting recurring blepharitis infections along with dry eyes. I was treated with Lotemax 0.5% each time it came back. This med. can only be used no longer than 3 mths otherwise can be a glacoma problem. In 1993 I had laser irridomics both eyes for being at risk for glacoma and now years later I am a narrow angle glacoma suspect. That does this mean?? Stopped the Lotemax 0.5% due to glacoma warning and switched doctors. Current doctor has me on Erythromycin daily at bedtime. This is an antibiotic. I ve been on this since 11/11/14 and so far still have the infection. It is not getting better. For dry eyes I have been using Genteal eye drops and then switched to no preservative Systane eye drops and use Systane as needed daily. I first wash hands, soak with warm compress, wash with baby shampoo, rinse with cool water, dry and apply eye drops. The eye drops are irritating. Is there any hope for me. I can t be swtiching doctors. There must be something that will get rid of this. Can you please help me as I am very frustrated and worried. Thank you!