For my daughter, 26 months old, 29 lbs. A few months ago, she started getting bumps on her legs, approximately one each day for 7 days. They looked like mosquito bites at first, and then within 24 hours they became larger and very hard and red (about the size of a quarter). As they changed in size, the highest point on the bump became scaly/scabby although there is never a head. I thought she got one on the corner of her eye, but it also could have been a mosquito bite. I really can t tell a difference. I took her to her doctor and she was diagnosed with periorbital colitis and given an oral antibiotic, which was supposed to help with the other bumps as well. The other bumps were only on her legs. A few weeks have gone by and she hasn t had any bumps until yesterday, when 4 appeared. One of those is now about 3.5 inches in diameter. Other than this, she hasn t had any illnesses or injuries other than minor scrapes from playing outside.