Hi there, I am a 30 year old female with a now severe problem on my legs. To give you all a bit of history, I use to epilate to shave my legs. However, having tried waxing briefly before epilation, I noticed a large proportion of the hairs on my lower legs regrowing as ingrown hairs. It was mainly down the inside of both calves, but it was also down the sides of both lower legs and some on the back of my legs. I started to squeeze the hairs at the root and noticed that they popped straight out. I have tried to quit picking the hairs desperately. Sometimes I can go up to a week without doing it, but as soon as I am bored, or catch sight of my bare legs, I start looking for hairs, and the whole process starts again. Should I stop using epilator?Now I have lot many brown spots on my legs. But can anyone give me any advice as to how to get rid of all these scars? I body brush every day. I put loads of moisturiser on afterwards. I have tried Bio Oil to get rid of the scars. But nothing has worked.. I would appreciate any advice anyone can give me. Please don t advertise your own product though, I am looking for genuine help.