Hi my son is 2.5 year old he got is first seizure in Jan 2015 following a panic shock he had seeing a balloon burst before him. Initially he used to go still and collapse, we meet a neurologist who said it is seizure and started with Valproic acid without eeg and MRI, After taking valproic acid he started getting tonic clonic seizure, so they started increasing it, but it became over dose in the blood and he was admitted at sick kids in canada, their doctors veined valproic acid at this time his MRI and EEG was normal and doctors started with keppra and clobazam, which again increased his Tonic clonic seizure so he was re-admitted , this time his EEG showed slow movement in the left side and they also said it showed some seizure activities. by this time he started getting absence seizure and drop seizures, now he is in ketogenic diet+ Keppra 500mg twice a day, lemotrogine 7.5 mg twice a day, clobazam 10 mg twice a day, still he has more than 30 drop seizure per day and more than 100 staring episodes(absence seizures). we are not sure how to control currently he is treated at sick kids in Canada. we are worried over dose of medication has causing him a problem. can you help us with how we should proceed as we are planning to bring him to Chennai India for treatment. NOTE: there is no family history of seizures and some of his genetic results are negative.