This query is regarding my cousin. He is 3.5 yrs old. He experienced a fit first time when he was 3. He suddenly started shouting and then his body became stiff and he was unconcious. Since then he has experienced the same 3-4 times and is getting weaker every time. We got a number of tests done in AIIMS and various hospitals but doctors say there is no treatment for it. He is now not able to balance properly when he walks and falls down after few steps. The thing that bothers us the most is, there was an elder son to this kid, who experienced the same symptoms at the age of 3 and got weaker after every fit. Slowly he stopped walking at all. Then he couldn t talk, gradually he couldn t sit and was not able to hold anything and after 2 yrs he died. I don t believe it to be genetic as they have a daughter who studies in 5th standard and is absolutely fine by the grace of god. We request to respond if you see any hope in the case. We are desperate to get this kid treated, the parents are exteremely depressed as they can see the same symptoms in their second child growing day by day and won t be able to go through all that again. Please doctor, help us.