I read your question and I understand your concern.
There are many drugs to prevent epileptic seizures, like
valproic acid,
lamotrigine, phenytoin just to name some of the most used ones, there are others. Deciding which one to choose is not such a simple process, the choice depends on several factors such as the seizure type, the changes observed in the EEG and the expected side effect.
So it is advisable to be evaluated for these factors by a
neurologist, both for the initial choice of treatment as well as for follow up visits. Follow up visits are needed both to evaluate efficacy and monitor side effects.
Surgery is not used usually, just in severe cases with very frequent seizures who don't respond to any treatment, that doesn't seem to be your brother's case.
Also he should avoid alcohol, caffeine or other stimulants, regular sleeping hours.
I hope to have been of help.