Never had breathing problems befor., I am 58 yrs young, Started a new job a new job just be for the holidays last December.Im a truck driver and the truck I was assigned is an old 96 with a condo sleeper in it. Sence I January Ive been to the ER three seprate times for breathing issues. Ten days of antibiotics and steroids than the problem returns all this time Im driving and Living in this truck 24/5 weekends off..Dr took me off work for three days which totaled 5 with weekend, got back in to truck yesterday and by the end of the dayweezing, coughing and so on . Got to thinking about it ,,Pulled the top bunk down and I found what may be foam mattress stained black..possible mold..If so coan it cause the same problems that my Dr is calling sevier broncitis / emphazema..