Hello, is anyone here? I ve never done this before. Sunday I woke up with a sore throat, it was hard to swallow and it felt really dry. Monday, I ended up with a hoarse voice and had difficulties talking, but by then I was able to swallow with little trouble. I ve been drinking lots of water, hot lemon water, cranberry juice and I ve had one glass of milk. I ve been coughing a lot as well, and I do have asthma which makes it more intense and a little sore. I am currently on day 4 without a voice, I mean it s not completely gone but yesterday (Thursday) was the worst, where I could barely speak. I don t talk much throughout the day, unless my husband comes home and we have a conversation. What do you recommend? I ve been looking up some symptoms and I ve seen Bronchitis and Laryngitis? Someone even said strep throat. I ve had strep throat and it doesn t feel like that at all. Also, my tonsils were removed when I was younger... so it can t be tonsillitis? I only feel groggy or sleepy when I take NyQuil, and that helps me feel more relaxed. Thanks in advance.