*have had a pretty bad cough since the beginning of november * initially had other symptoms (chills, aches, fatigue etc) * diagnosed 11/9 with bronchitis, given steroids, broad spectrum antibiotic and inhaler * have finished course of drugs, all other symptoms have resolved but cough remains * at least once or twice a day I cough so hard i get a headache or get dizzy or both and twice i have coughed so hard i blacked out (8/7, 8/18), the first time smashed my head on the floor. Question: Should I go back to the doctor? is there anything that can be done or is this just something that has to run its course? do I need to see a pulmonologist? is there any home treatment I should try? * I am not a habitual smoker, but I do probably smoke a pack or so per year, I had 5 cigarettes in 2 weeks this last month (much more than usual) and have been having difficulties with stress and lack of sleep.