I had a dental implant accidentally placed into my nasal septum which then abscessed. The surgeon removed the implant but said there was nothing wrong with me, despite the fact I was severely ill with systemic infection symptoms. By the way the scans clearly showed the implant perforating the septum and showed the abscess in the maxillary jaw spreading across to the bottom of my maxillary sinus but the surgeon was due to go on holidays the next day. Two weeks later the abscess burst blowing out my maxillary sinus, forcing two molars out of my jaw and splitting my maxillary jaw so I had the discharge running into my mouth for two months while i tried to find someone to help me but no one would after reading the surgeon's report which said despite extensive examinations nothing at all was wrong with me. The other specialists wouldn't even examine me. Finally my GP referred me to a hospital and the maxfax surgeon said all my upper teeth had to be removed so he could cure the infection and then he had to rebuild my right sinus and close the oro antral fistula closed. This was twelve months ago, and after being extremely ill for the whole of last year, I have just found out that the maxfax surgeon did not close the oro nasal fistula and I have had chronic sinus infection for that whole year. I am 51 years old and have never had a sinus infection in my life before this. The maxfax surgeon has continued to say he has cured the infection in my jaw and that further scans would be too much radiation for me since the major surgery and that I am only stressed and need counselling. he has not examined me properly in all that time, only looked into my mouth. My GP ordered the comparison scans aand they showed chronic severe ethmoid sinusitis plus the fact that the oronasla fistula is still where it was a year ago prior to surgery. But I have distended veins down my neck(right side) and over my collar bone. My neck has been very sore and stiff and I have been waking at night unable to get warm and shaking so uncontrollably for that year also that I yell out at the worst ones for some reason. I also have an extremely sore left arm with a spreading numbing substance leaking out of y thumb joint. My thumb joint is also painful. My right top eyelid is also droopy and swollen looking and I have difficulty breathing. Now my GP has asked me how much I drank when he got the last blood tests because something about my liver was very elevated - but I do not drink alcohol at all so he said he has to monitor it closely. I am desperate, even though I am on antibiotics for the sinus infection now, I still have the painful neck, breathing problems and temperatures with all those veins on the right side of my neck very distended and ugly looking over the top of my right chest. I can't think and am so tired and forgetful I feel like an invalid. i used to be so active and sporty and now I hate each day because of the constant pain. I was going to kill myself after a year like this, seriously I couldn't cope any longer as no one seems to know what to do. I really think I have Lemierre's syndrome after all that. I will have to go back to hospital soon to have the oronasal fistula closed but I don't think that is the cause of all the symptoms.Help me please?