Hi welcome to HCM
I have gone thru your query about hair loss which is a matter of concern .
As you have mentiond that you have been taking meds for since you were 25.
Medication for long time , distress , worry ,lack of intake of proper nutrition ,hormones are one of the biggest reasons women lose hair.
The sources include pregnancy, birth control pills,
hormone therapy, and thyroid hormones , your
Basal cell carcinoma and age is also prominant factor to cause hair fall .
For your info our body acts as a unit .If one part gets diseased the whole body
is affected . So you have to treat the body as a whole so that you don't fall sick
Dear in fact,Your body is always fighting something -- an infection, a toxin, an allergen, a food or the stress response -- and somehow it redirects its hostile attack on your joints, your brain, your thyroid, your gut, your skin, or sometimes your whole body. Your immune system is your defense against invaders .
But when the immune system becomes weak, the disease cells can grow out of control , the disease overpowers
So you should not ignore other possibilities , that can be
constipation , mental stress , worry , anger . All affect our health badly .
So regular exercise and Balanced diet containing essential nutrients as fiber , fruit ,green veges
vitamins and minerals in natural form - fish, lean meats, cheese, eggs, spinach, and soy.
Coconut water ,lemon juice with water , nuts , almonds , and supplements full of antioxidants as
Aloe vera juice + Amla juice 2 spoons , A level spoon Turmeric powder + Almond oil is very important for our sound mental and physical health and strengthen immune response naturally .
To build collagen, a protein critical for hair growth
For proper blood circulation. exercise ,yoga , Kapalbhatti pranayam -deep breathing ,Anulom Vilom , Bhramari are help ful for soothing nerves inducing sleep and eliminating toxins from our body and help the natural hormones work, leading towards healthy life .
Make sure that you get enough sleep every night.
Meditation also helps sooth the mind helps in detoxifying and strengthening the immune system to enhance resistance from diseases and pave way for healthy disease free life .
Homeopathic Acid Phos 6 & Calcarea Phos 6 / alternately / 2 times each . Take 3 hourly . Repeat for 15 days .
Apply Til oil on your scalp
Hope this helps solves your query .Take care .All the best
Don't hesitate to come with further query if you have any .