Hello thanks for asking from HCM
You have
severe headache since last 10 weeks now. The headache is associated with nausea, changed taste in mouth. You are not able to do your work properly. Most likely such type of headache can occur due to chronic tension type of headache (CTTH) or
migraine headache, though details evaluation is needed to make final diagnosis.
The migraine headache occurs mainly in temples and is pulsatile type. Classically it is associated with nausea, dizziness, blurring of vision. CTTH usually occurs as band like discomfort and occurs like continuous heaviness in head. As you have severe headache then it guides us for migraine headache.
The headache is usually treated with medicines like
sodium valproate, topiramate. Some drugs like propranolol can be used for prophylaxis for headache. In severe headache medicines like sumatriptan, flupitrine etc can be used.
Consult a psychiatrist for prescription of these drugs.
Avoid tea, coffee, alcohol, or other activating substance. When go out, always wear sunglasses. This will help to reduce the frequency. Consult a psychiatrist for evaluation.
Thanks, hope this helps you