Thanks for your query.
Noted your history of itching of hte tragus in spite of it never been pierced.
The skin peels off.
This sort of it itching is indicating of a condition called as
dermatitis, meaning
allergy of the skin of the tragus and might have developed as a FR that is fixed reaction or so.
I would advise you the following:
Stop using any soaps or shampoos till this gets cured.
Use a local corticosteroid cream
This should solve your problem.
Before doing any active treatment, it is advisable that you
consult a Dermatologist for the first-hand on-spot-diagnosis and give you prescription based treatment.
Also watch for similar lesion in other parts of hte body.
Try to note the foods and beverages that can cause such a problem should be noted, make a list and stop them altogether which instigate your problem or enhance it.