Hi and welcome to HCM
You seem to have an eczema on your foot, probably an
allergy you developed to maybe footwear, or due to sweat, outdoor activity etc.
have you taken any medical treatment for it before?
Long duration of allergy and constant scratching and peeling of the skin has caused it to become thick.
Try to keep a track of when the itching increases and avoid such triggers.
Another thing to rule out is a
fungal infection in the area.
I would advise you to test for fungal infection to get the right treatment. In case of allergy, a
steroid cream such as
clobetasol can help till it clears along with antihistamine tablets for 10-15 days.
If there is severe oozing or blistering salt soaks can help.
Wear cotton socks and keep dry.
consult a dermatologist for further treatment and diagnosis.
Hope this helps.