Constipation is one of the cause of Haemorrhoids. It does not mean that Haemorrhoids can not occur to those who have no history of constipation.
According to your clinical details, you are suffering from non bleeding haemorrhoids that may cause burning sensation, pain and itching during defecation. Another symptoms related to upper GI tract is likely to be
If I correlate both symptoms than come to conclusion that your diet habits are not good. I think you are taking more junk foods, oily foods, spicy foods. Along with that your diet timing are not regular and you are not taking a good amount of water.
If any one of above habits you have then my advise to please change your diet habits and maintain your food hygiene. This is the most common cause of Hamorrhoids as well as Gastritis.
So my advise are: take more and more fiber diets, avoid junk, oily and spicy foods, avoid alcohol and
smoking if you are doing, take a meal in proper timing, do not go to bed after taking meal at least for 1 hour, take drinking water as much as you can. do not keep your stomach empty for long time, avoid Tea and Coffee in empty stomach and in late night.
Along with that start taking some medicines for Haemorrhoids i.e.
Xylocaine jelly local application in anus before defacation, avoid straining during defefaction, Sitz bath. And also take some medicines for Gastritis i.e. Cap Omeperazole 20 mg twice a day, Syp Diagene 10 ml thrice a day, with
Domperidone 25 mg twice a day.
Thank You