I just spent half an hour answering a question and signing up for this website and my message will not post so I assume you are just gathering data from people and not actually providing a forum. I am withdrawing from Effexor right now and had to take the day off of work due to continuous sharp brief pains in my head occuring at intervals of from 10 seconds to 1 min. 30 seconds. I had them all day yesterday at work and somehow managed to remain silent. I DID cut down on the med slowly, finally on 37.5 mg. for approx. 2 months and then I opened the capsules and for 2+ weeks took half a capsule only. These sensations of electric shocks or brain zaps are apparently common. I took valerian root today and slept for 7 hours, not feeling the pain while I sleep. I am awake, took fish oil and powdered vitamin C still have the zaps like someone is sqeezing a nerve with pliers. Thank God they are brief, but since they are continuous it is exhausting. I am scheduled to work a double tomorrow and if these pains are not better I may take Effexor to relieve them because I need my job! Best Wishes! -Lori