Good Morning! I'm sorry you are experiencing such symptoms. I will be honest, and say that based upon my medical experience I suggest you seek medical consultation immediately. Are there any other symptoms other than the pain? When you do go to the bathroom, are there any red or black tinges and or evidence of bleeding? Do you have fever's, chills? Is there any vomiting? If none of these symptoms are present, you can potentially be confident that your pain it is something less dangerous or emergent, as it makes the more serious diagnoses less likely. Nonetheless,
sharp pain around the
umbilicus for me as a physician is always concerning sign, with possibilities being numerous (
Diverticulitis, Bowel
Ischemia etc). Have you been in contact with a Gastroenterologist (G.I Doctor) since losing bowel function? If not I suggest you call the physicians involved in your
tumor removal and speak to them of such symptoms, and furthermore do to ongoing
incontinence, ask for further referral to a GI physician. In the meantime, I highly suggest you seek medical attention as early as possible as to ensure this is nothing serious.
I'm sorry for your symptoms and difficult course of treatment. I am confident that with diligence you can be back on the road towards an acceptable standard of living. I wish you the happiest of holidays.