Hello. Thanks for writing to us at healthcaremagic.
The pain your husband is going through is a common complication of
herpes zoster and is known as Post-Herpetc Neuralgia (PHN).
Individuals can continue to have pains, burning, stinging and stabbing sensations, long after the episode of shingles has healed.
The pain is due to inflammation and scarring of nerves affected by the episode of shingles.
Treatment is effective but sometimes may have to be continued for months or years, specially in old age group of patients.
Treatment options are:
-Tricyclic antidepressants(Amytriptyline,
-Topical Capsaicin gel/cream
Lidocaine gel/cream
I usually treat my patients with a tricyclic antidepressant once or twice daily along with
Gabapentin Or Pregabalin, twice or thrice daily.
The dose of tricyclic antidepressant can be increased to thrice daily depending on the response.
An oral Vit B12 Methylcobalamine in doses of 500 mcg to 750 mcg is also useful for neuralgic pains.
These are all prescription products
I would advice that you talk to your
primary care physician for the needful. You can get back to us via this forum for any clarifications and future inquiries.