I had a staph infection that caused multiple brain bleeds, a heart attack and it also destroyed my Aortic Valve, resulting in open heart surgery to replace the Aortic Valve with a Bovine Valve. The heart attack, destruction of the valve and brain bleeds happened 12-29-07 and the valve replacement was performed 1- 23-2008. The damage to the valve was so severe and I now have some leakage from the new valve for approx. two years. I have been under the care of my cardiologist and heart surgeon on a regular basis. However, the cardiologist failed to send the disc of my last test to the surgeon until this past Monday. Today, I have felt sick to my stomach since awakening. I also feel like there is a large, tight rubber band below my chest that goes all around my body. This started about three weeks ago and I forgot to mention it to the cardiologist on Monday. I also have some shortness of breath since this morning, (not severe), which could be due to the anxiety I have been expercing all day. I took aTranxene pill, 7 1/2 mg. about an hour ago, approx. at 1130 PM, EST. Could this be a symptom of the beginning of heart failure? Thank you for your answer to my inquiries.