Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
Is not unusual to have your menstrual cycle be irregular in the first six months to a year after discontinuing oral contraceptives. This is not mean that you cannot get pregnant, and it is encouraging that you did have two regular menstrual cycles already. In fact, the stress and worry about conceiving especially if you want to do so very badly, can sometimes affect your menstrual cycle.
Regarding the cyst that was discovered on your
ultrasound, it is very common for women who are ovulating to have simple ovarian cysts. These generally are produced during ovulation and usually disappear after your menstrual period. Since you have no symptoms, I would recommend that you repeat the ultrasound after next menstrual cycle whenever it does begin.
I want to reassure you however, that with multiple negative
pregnancy tests you are definitely not pregnant. Having an ovarian cyst does not interfere with the ability to become pregnant, the only concern is if this is is large enough sometimes it can twist on itself, which is called torsion. Ovarian torsion is dangerous because the blood supply to the ovary can be cut off and this can cause
severe pain and sometimes need to be treated with emergency surgery to remove the cyst and/or the ovary.
Generally we do not become concerned about torsion unless the ovary is greater than 5 cm in size, because an ovary that is smaller is not heavy enough to flip around inside you in a way that it can become twisted around your
fallopian tube.
So in your case, I would recommend reevaluating the cyst after next menstrual cycle. I do want to reassure you that having the cyst has no bearing on your
fertility or ability to conceive in the future. In the meantime, I would just relax and wait for your next menstrual period, and in the meantime continue trying to conceive.
If you experience any severe pain on the right side especially if it is associated with nausea,
vomiting, and/or
shoulder pain you should speak with your gynecologist urgently and possibly go to the emergency room for evaluation, as these can be signs and symptoms of torsion.
I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today, and that this information was helpful.
Best wishes, Dr. Brown