I am a mother to a male child age 15. About 5 months ago, my son began to have what are referred to by providers as episodes . My child began to have increased heart rate, sweating, the feeling that his world was shaking around him and would have conscious black out sessions and have no recollection of the black out what so ever. He remembers the symptoms that lead up to the black out however when someone speaks to him, touches, shakes him he will not respond verbally or otherwise for time frames sometimes lasting up to 15 minutes. He has been to a Peidetric heart Specialist. He wore a 30 heart monitor and the 48 hour with both showing that he goes into sinus Tachycardia with doctors stating it is all anxiety. Other symptoms include: Increased Blood Pressure, extremely bad head aches, chest pain and tightness, dizziness, fatigue, brain fog, heart palpation, nausea and vomiting. I have had to go out and physically look for him multiple times as he walked home fro school and after school sporting events. ( he no longer plays sports due to this) He has lost his balance up to 10-15 times per day and sometimes falls down completely passing out in the shower, walking around the house, getting out of bed. He has seen primary Physician, another heart doctor and a lung specialist,as well as a Neurologist( has been treating for the migraines) had tons of labs, MRI Scan, CT scan, Ultra Sound of neck area. I am being told now unknown cause / Anxiety. Any suggestions where to go from here? My son is VERY outgoing and loves sports and people in general. He feels like he is on House Arrest due to all the symptoms and just being extremely tired all the time. Thanks so very much for your time and your knowledge. I am open to any suggestions please help my son. Sincerely, Pam