Generally, vaginal cysts are harmless unless they get infected, then they become painful. Sebaceous cysts and Bartholin’s glands develop when oil-producing sebaceous ducts or glands of the
vulva become blocked or clogged. These cysts and glands become painful if infected. You are advised to take good care of your hygiene to prevent infection.
Get clinically examined by a gynecologist, get STD tests done. Bacteria from sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) like
gonorrhea and chlamydia can cause a vaginal cyst to become infected. If test report comes positive, you will be treated with antibiotics / antivirals. You can apply ointment
acyclovir on the affected area after cleaning, washing and dyeing the private area.
Practice safe sex. Use a condom. Avoid use of sex toys. Stay away from multiple partners. Monogamy with a male partner can help to be in a long-term relationship. Take sitz bath for relief, get clinically examined and evaluated, you may need a surgical
drainage if the cyst / gland is large. Your treating doctor can consider marsupialization after a
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Nupur K., General & Family Physician