Hello, firstly i'd like to start off by saying the sensations im feeling are a bit hard to describe or put into words. Occasionally when im sitting down and i close my eyes, it feels like my body or soul is being sucked out, ive found it impossible to keep my eyes closed during this state ive tried to hold it as long as possible to see what would happen but at some point i have to open my eyes or even forced to open them back up, after that everything is normal.
Im not tired when this happens, it can occur anytime really, but not offen, theres no sign or signal that my body gives me to tell me somethings going on.
I've met one other person that has exactly the same symptoms as I do, he likes to call it warp speed. It doesn't hurt or anything the sensation is just a very strange one, should i be worried to many people have this? I hope ive described it well enough. Thanks, Andy