Ive had a cold for almost a week I am pretty sure, runny and or stuffy nose, I had a sore throat but it doesn t hurt anymore, it just gets dry all the time now and its hard to swallow, also coughing, I usually cough up a little bit of mucus, usually only in the mornings then I only cough a little bit during the rest of the day, but my major issue is my hoarse voice that I ve had for three days now. It feels like something is stuck in my throat and I sound all raspy and sometimes I squeak with every word I say and sometimes I can only get out a whisper. I feel horrible in the mornings but I do pretty fine the rest of the day other than my throat feeling clogged. I sound creepy and it makes it difficult to do my job and talk with customers and I dont want to ask questions at school because I am afraid I will squeak with my creepy manly voice. Anyway, is there a quick solution to get rid of my hoarse voice? If so, what is it? pleaaaaase help me.