I had a failed bridge, which resulted in much decay, dent. thought root canal might be needed, then decided not. i did experience some pressure 7 taste but xray showed nothing. went on w/ implant (this is all now @ 3yrws form bridge removal) @8 mo. after implant I woke up w/ spasms in inner ear on same side as described work. dent. said it could be from implant (which is @ the floor of upper sinus( this is implant is tooth#3, decayed crown from failed bridge is #2, no wisdom tooth) perscribed 875mg amoxy, 28 days, spasms went away immediately, returned after antibiotics were stopped almost a.o. ENT exam & CAT of sinus showed NO PROBLMES there. No one perios, pharmacists, etc. have ever encounter symptoms. I have had relief for brief periods form alternative supplements & antibacterials i.e. tee tree oil. but nNO permanent relief. the spams tend to come on @ nite after dinner can last 10 mins., normally last 8-18 hours, can last days. the longest period i have gone w/out spasms since onset is @ 21 days. ( but that was awhile ago) probing implant & # 2 seems to help, but as i write spasms are happening. It is almosti mpossible to sleep & has affected my well being ,. i am concerned it is a permanent condition,. am considering having inplant & # 2 removexd. Forgot to mention there was severe bone loss @ implant, but it is stable & # 2 is alive according to endo diagnostic, who did not think i needed a root canal.............