I been having loose stool for over 2 months and lost 10-15 pounds, despite I am skinny. I have with it only bloating, loose stool, and gas and nothing else. I do not have pain but have the urgency to have a loose stool badly. I cut off glutton thinking it was that a month ago and it kind of helped but that was no affect after a while since now anything I eat even isolated I get loose stool. I stopped eating for a day to maybe starve bacteria but nothing I stopped eating sugar thinking to not feed bacteria as well and still nothing. I avoid glutton, dairy, gmo, nuts, and fruits and still the same. I got blood/urine/stool sample, here are my non normal results from my tests which the rest are normal it says. the name what # i have and what is the normal range. what do you think? Lipid HDL =63 (ok= 40-125) ok HDL ratio=2.7 (ok=3.4-9.6) Low (Was not moving much for a week to not use up energy since I was not eating much.) Metabolic panel Chloride =94 (ok=96-108) Low co2 =18 (ok=22-31) Low Glucose =64 (ok=70-99) Low Anion Gap,Serum=21 (ok=5-17) High Vitamin B12 =973 (ok=243-894) High (I ate 5 pieces of shrimp to help the tests since I was only eating veggies. But that number is way too high I feel) urinalysis that is not negative bacteria =OCC protein, urine= TR Ketone, urin= Large (I assume from not eating and loosing 5 pounds within a week from drinking veggie juices) Stool fat = increased Everything else is normal and no results or anything else. And that s all the tests that were not in normal range. Dr do not seem to know based off the results.