11 years ago- colonoscopy: found nothing, declared diarrhea to be due to ibs. Eliminated triggers: dairy, caffiene, high fat. For years- saving grace was carbs. BUT I still had bouts of diarrhea and was never really normal. (Note: stomach was always flat, unless I overate and bm would quickly shrink back stomach). December 2009- bad abdominal pains: ultrasounds found a bunch of cysts but my doc. said they are not large enough to be causing pain. Weight: 128. (Note: highest in 15 years.) Big Change... Feb 2010- people are telling me i look really skinny. Stepped on scale, 120 pounds (lowest weight in 15 years). Horrible stomach distention and pain, No matter what I eat or drink. when I wake up stomach is somewhat flat, but still pudgy. After ingesting anything, it balloons, 2-3 months pregnant / no relief. Tests: Blood- protein levels off, low iron and b12, celiac test just a little off (but not true indicator that I have the disease, I am told). Colonscopy / endoscopy- biospy for celiac (negative). Found mast cells- h2 allergy cells, which dr said was strange . Said I must just have ibs, and told me to take pepcid for mast cells, but didn t address why I have them. 2nd opinnion- gastroenterolgist said he would have said celiac, but saw biopsy was negative. He was about to dismiss me as ibs and give me pills. Then when I inquired about the mast cells, only then did he actually read my report (and his eyes bulged). He said it appears I might have colitis and put me on pepto for 2 months- then I should call him to give update. Skin allergy test- minor (level 1) only allergic to corn, walnuts and celery, significant (level 2) fish allergies- I don t even eat fish though Please help!! I feel like i m wasting away, and stomach is always in pain and bloated. I am forced to associate eating with pain now. I went off gluetin for 1 week, and didn t notice results but then ate it again when biopsy was negative. I am planning to go off it again for as long as I can, on my own accord. I feel it is the only hope I have now, but it will be hard because I can t eat any milk product, and high fat foods (beacuse of the ibs) hurt my stomach so I have to eat in moderation.