Hello. Thank you for writing to us at healthcaremagic
He seems to have androgenetic
Androgenetic alopecia is characterized by gradually progressive thinning and hair loss from frontal and vertex part of the scalp.
This type of hair loss is also associated with widening and deepening at angles of anterior hair line also associated with gradual recession of anterior hair line.
There is usually a positive family history in first degree relatives i.e father and brother.
Minoxidil and
Finasteride are approved for treatment of this type of alopecia in males.
The treatment that he has been taking is not specific and is unlikely to help his condition. Natural or
home remedies are not going to help.
Minoxidil is to applied topically, in absolutely clean and dry scalp (It is not to be applied on wet scalp or hair), twice daily with the help of a dropper, in not more than recommended amounts i.e 1 ml.
Finasteride inhibits the enzyme,
5-alpha reductase present in hair follicles. This enzyme is responsible for converting
testosterone to dihydrotestosterone/ DHT. DHT is the main culprit in this type of alopecia.
Treatment with minoxidil and finasteride should be started early in this type of alopecia before it has progressed to later stages. The goal of therapy is to arrest or slow down further progression.
Regrowth of new hair may also be achieved with this therapy, if hair loss has not been a long standing issue. It may vary from individual to individual.
I suggest him to visit a
dermatologist for the needful.