I have femoral neuropathy for 4 years after bypass surgery. Neuropathy is mute compared to the pain i begin having a couple of months ago. I thought it was gout but I know better now(I wish my doctor did) .my left foot is swollen and painful to walk on. Gout medicine does nothing at all. Searching in hope, I came upon Charcot foot. Is it possible that this could be the problem ? Prior to getting this whatever,I could handle the pain and discomfort, but Now I walk with 2 canes if or when I do get up. My foot. Is swollen,cold or warm,m toes have. Little feeling and noway will the doctor help with pain pills due to taking Gabapentin and Tramadol..life sucks at 66 . Please help,Please..174 Doctors online and I can t even get a rip without having $15 ? I hope you all sleep well tonight,I MOST CERTAINLY WON T... Ed Amy of you take THE OATH.?