Hello! This afternoon I noticed a small sting in my lower lip (left side) and.progressively during the day my lip began swelling up until it it now twice its normal size, and only on the bottom left half of my lip, so you can imagine how it looks. I need to find a way to get rid of this as soon as possible due to the fact that my profession is as a commercial model, and a way to avoid this embarasement to ever happen again! I know that today I was playing with a small puppy and he was jumping and nipping at my face, is it possible that he might have bit me hard enough for this to happen but not for me to notice? I m a very concerned person in regards to my health, I want to make sure I m always at my 100% so I just want to make sure this is nothing serious, and of course how to make it go away. So far I m using the spoon in the freezer trick- crossing my fingers that by Wednesday its gone..