Hi I will try and give as much detail as possible! I fell down the last three/four stairs in my home yesterday and have hurt my ankle. I heard a cracking sound like one where you would crack your ankle/wrist/neck when you re feeling a bit stiff if you get me! A minute or so after I managed to get up, walk on it, drive and even hobble around the supermarket. The outside swelled up to about twice the size of my other ankle and had a bit of bruising. I iced it and bought a tube banage but as I have a two year old, rest and elevation were not really an option! I was also able to move my toes, my ankle down, right and up slowly with no major pain but not to the left without discomfort. Today I have tried to rest a bit more and continue to ice but again restricted due to child! Elevating it is not actually comfortable.I can put my weight on it and sort of walk while limping caused by stiffness. The swelling and bruising have gone down but still there. It s not necessarily painful just a constant dull ache which radiates up my leg a bit and only painful if I m mobile and move it in a certain way. I have pressed down on the areas around the injury and apart from a bit of swelling discomfort, nothing is particularly painful.I m thinking/hoping just a bad sprain due to the above but would still like an expert opinion and also tips on how to recover when I have said child, partner at work and no family in area I will go to the drs if worsens!