one month backI saw a swollen lymph node at right side of neck near collar bone which pains when thouched. It has been increased and now they are two or three. Its size increased within 15days. I went for mantox test with 10tu, and a positive result of 30mm induration. Then took fnfc test which came with cold abssess,tubalcular. The node contains huge amount of Pus, septic. I don t have weightloss. Had short breaths and cough at initial level but it disappeared after a week of lymph node swelling. Chest xray is normal. Doc started treatment with AKT-4, m-cin and chymoral-ap. I have smotch ache and pain in lymph area. Urine color is dark orange and now stooling a lot. Not exactly loose motions but little less than that. Also, I feel pinches inside skin all over body as if something flowing inside. It happens around 15 tyms a day.. Am I on right treatment. I am anemic. Have sedimentation rate ESR 47.