Dear Rincy,
I empathize your situation when an unwanted
pregnancy has occurred with the younger child just 10 months young.
Since your periods are irregular, you have to confirm the status of your pregnancy. Pregnancy test on overnight first morning urine sample about a week after the missed period will inform you whether you are pregnant or not. These tests may give false negative results if performed earlier. Alternatively you may opt for
Beta hCG test on your blood which give reliable results even few days before missed period.
If you are pregnant, you may opt for medical termination of pregnancy. WHO has recommended two regimes for termination of pregnancy up to 9 weeks of gestation.
1. Tab. Mifepristone to be followed by Tab.
Misoprostol within 24 - 48 hours.
2. Misoprostol only: Tab. Misoprostol 3-12 hourly upto 3 doses.
Usually the
abortion takes place within 24 hours but not later than 72 hours after the last dose of Misoprostol. If it does not, the regime may be repeated or alternative regime may be tried or surgical method like MVA aspiration may be chosen. These medicines cause developmental abnormalities in the baby; hence in case of their failure, the pregnancy should not be continued but should be terminated by surgical procedure.
These medicines are prescription medicines. They should be taken only with a Gynaecologist's advice and prescription.
If you are not pregnant as revealed by pregnancy test, you may take Tab.
Deviry for 5 days; 4-7 days after which you will get withdrawal bleeding.
I hope this helps you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri